Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's a BOY! Here are a few shots of him..

Everything looked good at the appt. today. The baby is weighing in at 8 oz. as of now. According to charts he is about 6 inches long right now.
To answer a few questions: I have not felt the baby move yet, I am waiting anxiously! Not sure how I can't feel him because at the ultrasound he was moving and flipping like crazy.
Another popular question is am I showing? Yes I am showing now. You can definitely tell that I am pregnant!
Do we have a name picked? Not yet, we initially liked Jackson, but found out that it is pretty common now. Kevin and I both have common names and want something a little different, nothing crazy though.
Click on the photos to enlarge.


DanielleLeonard said...

He looks exactly like Kevin...

Michelle & Mark said...

Great sonogram pics!
Really clear view of all 5 digits and a nice profile one too!